2005-07-20 adeletedband: Hehe. Feel free to leave a comment. 2005-07-28 Tyrana: I've never heard this song before! (This might sound stupid and sheltered if the answer is obvious to the guitarish clan, but) did you write it? 2005-07-28 adeletedband: Nah it's a small part of a very fast song that me and my friend wrote. 2005-08-03 Emily June: Do you need realplayer for this? I haven't got the right programm :( 2005-08-05 adeletedband: I don't think so - I can play it on Windows Media Player and Winamp. Do you have either of them? 2005-08-06 Emily June: Both! 2005-08-06 Tyrana: Heehee ^_^... Yeah it is. I'd put a video up, but I'd get even less traffic in my song list ;P... 2005-08-07 Emily June: *hugs* Now don't be so pessimistic! 2005-08-08 adeletedband: Yep, it's me! 2005-08-08 Emily June: lol, you inspired me to make one as well ^^ The only material I have right now to record music is my digital camera, and with that I can either record 1 min. without video, or longer with video...So it must be with video ^_^ 2005-08-08 adeletedband: Wow I get to see Janny on Piano go me!! :) Looking forward to seeing it 2005-08-08 Emily June: Now you make it sound like I'm going to sit on the piano ^_~ 2005-08-09 adeletedband: Haha; Well you playing it would be preferable ;) 2005-08-26 nokturA: I played with this video a little. Wanna see it? :) 2005-08-26 adeletedband: Yeah, please :)This page is marked as obsolete! [adeletedband]: 8.Videos.Speed of Ere
Rating: 0.00
I be afraid of competition >_<... The best of luck to you, nevertheless!
Thanks for the comment, and thanks for the luck - I need it ;P
*sobs* I want to hear it!!! :)
*tries again*
Hey, now it works :)
Hey, its you! :D
I was a bit wary of making a video but decided "what the hell!" :)